Sabtu, 26 September 2009

Forgive and Sorry

Forgive and Sorry are important things.. Forgive and sorry determine our relationship with other people...
Can we forgive all people that make mistakes to us?
God teaches us to forgive each other. He teaches us to forgive our enemy.
But, can we do that easily?

It's not easy. To forgive our enemy is hard. Maybe we can say it easily, but we can't do like what we have said. To forgive all people that made mistakes to us is hard. Sometimes, we can't forgive our friends that made mistakes to us. Then, how can we forgive our enemy??

God forgive all people in this world. People in the world made many mistakes, I'm sure. No one in this world did not make mistakes. But, God always forgive us. He forgives all of our sins. He did not discriminate people. He did not look from our wealth, our face, our ethnic, moreover, from our religion. He forgives us. He forgives people who did not believe in Him. He always takes care of us... Can we do like God do?

To forgive, we must not discriminate people first. Maybe in our life, we still choose our friends with a not important criteria. Such as, from their face, their religion, their weakness, their wealth, their family, etc. Don't to that silly things again from now. Maybe you can do that, but, have you ever think that person's feelings? Imagine that you're in their position... How’s your feeling?
If you did not discriminate people, it will be easier to forgive people...

Second, you must know and always remember that you made many mistakes too. Not only that, you must remember that God always forgives you. So, you must have awareness that you must do what the God's command, like to forgive. If you do that, maybe you'll think again to forgive your friends or not.

Third, if you feel so hard to forgive other people, try to pray. Ask for the God's help. Ask Him to give you strength to forgive. Calm down yourself and think again about what God have done in our life...

The last, think one more time about that event. Think and think again. Maybe, you made mistakes to them before. Introspect yourself. Try not to be emotional...

Don't forgive each other if that just a big lie. Your mouth forgives them, but, your heart not forgives them. It means you're hypocrite...

Do you ever think about the important of "sorry"?

To say sorry is important. We must say "sorry" when we made mistakes to other people. Maybe many of us don't want to say sorry because ashamed, or, we have an opinion, if we say sorry to our friends, they will laugh. Is that true? Maybe it occasionally happens around us, but it did not means that we must stop to say 'sorry'.

Don't worry, if you say sorry and admit your mistakes, God will be happy. He'll happy because you do something good in your life.

In say sorry, same like forgive, we must say it from our heart. Not only from our mouth, but we do that seriously and try hard not to make the same mistakes...

We must admit our mistakes. That's a good things I think. It's better than we must avoid our mistakes. Say sorry if it needs to...

Forgive and Sorry... Those are simple words, but it's hard to do. Easy to say, but, hard to do. Pray to God, ask for His help. He will hear your pray and of course, he will help you. One more, don’t just rely on God, but we must try. Don't rely with own strength, rely on God too. Because, He is the source of our strength.....

Try to forgive all people that made mistakes in your life, and say 'sorry' if we made mistakes to someone. Especially, say 'sorry' to God because we always hurt His heart...

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