Kamis, 06 Agustus 2009

Life is a Journey not a Destination

Life is a journey not a destination...

Almost all people in the world believe that there is a life after death. God gives the time for us... We must do a good things when we life. The time when we live will make a different. Our present life is the time to choose our life after death. Go into heaven, or go into hell.

I believe, all people want to go into heaven. Is there any person that wants go into hell?

We must believe that God exists. Maybe many of atheists believe that God doesn't exist. But, it will be better if we believe God exists. If God doesn't exist, so, the life after death doesn't exist. But if God exists, the life after death also exists. If we didn't believe that God exists, and if God really exist, we will go into hell. But if we believe that God exists, and the God doesn't exist, so, are we going to be punished??

Believe in God have many benefits for us.. So, change your life from now.. Let's make a wonderful journey.... We still have time for it....

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